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Kern and Kompany Marketing and Special Events (5)

Created on: Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Kern and Kompany produces some of Minnesota’s most popular and largest events such as the nationally recognized and award winning Duluth Airshow, the largest legal drag racing event of its kind in the entire United States the Duluth Drag Races & Car Show, and the new Duluth Oktoberfestival celebration.

Not only do we produce our own events internally, but we also produce corporate events and consult entities on event planning and logistics. Whether your event is for 50 people or 50,000 our team of special event planners are sure to impress and inspire.
  • Duluth Oktoberfestival
  • Duluth Drag Races
  • Runway 4K
  • Duluth Airshow, presented by Essentia Health and AAR
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